Monday, March 07, 2005

George Bush and Toe Socks

Airn o'Bucket says:
"dude! you so did not do justice to my george bush and toe socks dream! jerk!"

So, I say:

I'm not a jerk. Yer a jerk! And you smell like toes. And weasels. But you're still my favorite Airn o'Buckets. Or should I call you... Muffy?

In any event I was merely trying to protect your anonymity by not transcribing more of your dream into my blog. Had I said any more, everyone would have known who I was talking about, duh!!!

So, for all the world to know, Airn o'Buckets o'Muffy had a dream about George Bush wearing toe socks. She was his intern, and actually liked him. Apparently there was no Lewinsky action going on though (forshame, that's what interns are for). Anyway, the rest of everyone else didn't like him (duh!) so when she brought him along to a nice family barbecue naturally everyone was upset. He did wear toe socks though.

Regretfully, as it is almost 2 weeks later, I cannot remember any more of the dream.

Oooooh! Last week in Arizona I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Real men like Bush." It made me giggle in an apprehensive "I shouldn't find this funny, but it is amusing" kind of way.

That was the night my mother got completely trashed on the "special" cappuccino and couldn't remember what ravioli were ("you know, those little squares of pasta stuffed with things" - honestly I could have helped her and we wouldn't have had to call the waiter over, but the first 3 times she described it she said "squares of chicken" instead of pasta). And people wonder why I want to move to Kyrgyzstan...



At March 07, 2005 10:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I must not be a real man, as I despise bush, both politically and pubically. I'm against invading non threatening countries and against pulling hair from between my teeth after enjoying a fine meal of a woman's pleasure.

And I hate toe socks.

At March 07, 2005 12:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

As to the ball-sweat, boob-sweat issue, I think I can help

While it is well known that I am overweight (but not like some disgusting tub that can't move or anything) I have some experiance with male boob sweat. Unless you are talking about under your bra, in which case, just leave it off and let the world know how happy you are. And yes, ball sweat is just as bad.


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