Saturday, April 16, 2005

There Was No Mooing

But one cannot expect to moo on every birthday. And everything else was completely lovely and fantastic, so no complaints.

In preparation for my birthday this year I cleaned my house. It wasn't quite as exciting as last year, but at least all of my hair follicles stayed intact and I didn't have any hot beverages poured on my face.

Then on my actual birthday day, Beaky brought cupcakes to Guest Service Systems. They were completely darling and everyone sang very off-key. Then after class we worked on her blog a bit (added some links, a counter, and a message board) and eavesdropped on the interesting bathroom conversations of her suitemates. After meandering for a while and finding my darling Keiko, we went to Peaberry's for the traditional Thursday afternoon coffee and bullshit (it's a new but lovely tradition). At that point I realized I had lost my cell phone. So we took a fieldtrip to look for it, and because the birthday gods were smiling on me, it was still resting serenely on the chair where I had been sitting. I did a HappyKateDance, and the three of us went over to my house.

Beaky invented my very most favorite birthday song ever. It went something like this:

Happy Birthday to Kate,
Happy Birthday to Kate,
You look like a monkey,
But you still smell great.


We went to my favorite Italian restaurant for dinner - Luigi's Bent Noodle. While Keiko and Beaky do know that I was enjoying having cleavage that evening mostly because I kept randomly saying "I've got cleavage*!!!" and pointing excitedly, they don't realize exactly how much fun I was having with it. There was a table of drunk men seated directly behind Beaky. One of them put his sunglasses on when I caught him cleavage-spying for the 5th time. The blonde one kept drunken-sneakily (ie not sneakily at all, but he thought he was) turning around to gaze at boobinal goodness.

Then Chipper called to say he was on his way, so we paid the bill and headed to the grocery store for mixers. At my house I made some rum and cokes and commenced with harassing Keiko to drink faster (it's tradition). Then my darling Chipper arrived and he brought me flowers. They were (and still are, actually) so pretty! He's only the second boy who has ever gotten me flowers (unless you count Abdu Salaam).

Anyway, we proceeded with the evening's activities, which consisted entirely of drinking and being silly. I still maintain that everyone drank too slowly and not nearly enough. I was having none of that for myself. We taught Keiko new and interesting phrases that she couldn't find in her dictionary. We also drunk dialed Beaky's Davey, although it wasn't proper drunk dialing as he gave her permission for such, but it was still fun. Chipper and I took some smoke breaks (I took a break from quitting smoking as it was my birthday) and threw snow balls at the window near where Keiko was trying to do her homework (she wasn't nearly drunk enough to be doing her homework, I know from experience that foreign language homework is much better done when one is plastered). I showed Chipper Poup'ee and found that he really liked Cigar, which is the cologne I kept spilling on myself last week, so he slpashed himself with it and we went back upstairs to continue with the merriment.

As there are no poles in my living room, I tried to make Chipper be a pole, but he wasn't a very good pole, so I tried pole dancing on the banister, but that wasn't very good either, so in the end I had to resort to wall humping, which isn't a great alternative because I still fell over frequently (one of the reasons I love pole dancing is because it gives me something to hold onto so I don't fall over as often). I hope there were no pictures taken though. There are more than enough of the provocative Chipper groping photos... Next time I'll have to have straight boys at my birthday.

No one cried, puked, peed on themselves, or was arrested, and the giggles were frequent and hearty. All in all, I'd say the evening was a success. I didn't even get heartburn. Wonders never cease.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, and thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate. It was a delightful day. :0)

*I was wearing my very most favorite red velvet top over my favorite and fantastic Victoria's Secret cleavage enhancing push-up bra


At April 16, 2005 6:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

umm, so, can I see those pictures?

At April 16, 2005 7:59 PM, Blogger SuperKate said...

SMP: They're not actually on my camera, and I'm afraid someone will sell them to the National Enquirer before I get my hands on them.

Beaky: My most heartfelt apologies, shall I change the post for posterity, or leave it so that people must read comments to know the truth?

At April 16, 2005 9:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Can you get the date of that issue of the N.E. so I can put those in my SuperKate scrapbook?

At April 16, 2005 9:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, and Hi Beakergirl :D


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