Contemplating New Things
RayRay has recently proposed the option of moving to Tennessee and staying at her mother's house for an undefined length of time. This is perhaps the "Easy Button" I have been longing for throughout the last several months of indentured servitude. Don't get me wrong, I like my job and I am very good at it, but at a certain point one tires of relentless ass-kissing and moron-hand-holding.
There, I've said it. I'm over working at a front desk. I'm over working in hotel operations. I desire a more illustrious career involving things that result in paychecks that are not laughable, and not being yelled at by idiots* who don't know how to use their eyes and ears.
*Any guest who enters a hotel seems to lose all brain functions and is therefore an idiot, unless they're stayed at the property multiple times, in which case they are only slightly retarded**.
**Even if you've stayed at a hotel multiple times, we don't love you just because you exist. Tipping really makes us love you.
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