Friday, March 11, 2005

Aren't Neighbors Lovely?

SuperMikeyPants brought this to my mind when he was talking about his ever-so considerate pigeon immitating neighbor.

The house next door to mine always smells like used maxipads. I'm perplexed by this as the only person that lives there is a single, older gentleman. It's disturbing. And it makes me want to run away screaming whenever I go get the mail.

It is fundamentally wrong for a house to smell like used maxipads. There should be an ordinance or something. I suppose it could smell worse, like Kathmandu, but that would be so horrific I would have moved long ago.


At March 11, 2005 2:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Quite frankly, I've never had an occasion to smell a maxipad. I don't think I am missing anything. I will, however, offer you a futon in my apt if you care to transfer your credits here. Then again, I do value my privacy. And, to save water, you'd have to be willing to share your shower time.

Anyway, I'm giving you a mental hug in pity for your stinky apt. Hope your day is full of sunlight, cuz otherwise, it would be night.

(stoner moment) Duuuuude, that's like, philosophical.


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