On Having A Roommate
I've got a roommate for the first time since I was 18. I mean I've lived with other people since then, but not in the actual same room. As an only child, I object to such things on the basic principle that I don't like sharing or listening to other people snore (I don't hear myself snore so I don't care). As an peoplephobe, I object to such things on the basis that I really don't like people. As someone who likes to walk around in her underwear, I object to such things because I don't like walking around in my underwear in front of someone with whom I have no intention of ever having sex. But no one asked me. Nor did anyone bother to inform me that I would have a roommate, either.
So, anyway, here I am with a roommate. She's actually very lovely and nice. For the time being I shall call her DoubleDee on the blog as we are not yet properly acquainted enough for me to know what her appropriate nickname is. Anyway, I met her mother and her boyfriend* and her daughter this afternoon. She also arrived with a refrigerator. That is good, but I am dangerous with such things. I like to experiment with growing mold. Also, she has night classes and is a self-proclaimed socialperson. I have early morning classes and I hate people.
Hopefully nothing will be thrown.
At least we both agree on the fact that sleeping without airconditioning is a moronic thing to do. And we're both apparently quite messy.
*The father of her daughter of whom she isn't quite fond** but they're working on being civil for the sake of the kidlet and because he lives in Boston***
**She's actually in love with someone else
***She's from Florida, but some of her mother's family lives in them thar parts
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