Who Really Needs Marble Counters?
I don't think anyone really does, and they're a pain in the ass while they're being installed. Especially when the installers keep insisting on shutting the power off at the most random moments.
They picked a very silly color as well which I'm sure my mother will hate very very soon. She's like that with any sort of interior decorating. And most everything else. The longest she likes anything is about 2 months, which leads me to believe that she should never have gotten married or pursued motherhood. But she didn't ask me.
Also, the counter space in the middle of the room used to be a nice oval shaped block of wood. It is now disturbingly phallus-shaped marble. Why they chose this particular design, I will never, ever, ever understand. Ever.
I like traffic lights.
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They are very cold and look foreboding to me, my parents were always fond of marble counter tops.
I always imagined myself having sex on top of the cold marble. I guess to be honest it doesn't count though because I always imagined myself having sex practically anywhere.
Seriously marble is sexier than wood but wood is warmer and more affectionate.
My house will have wood counters with marbel trim , that should cover it.
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Sex and wood together in the same context always brings to mind splinters in unfortunate places... But I shall have to consider a shag on the marble once the 'rents move back to Arizona. Mwahahahaha...
I want to see a picture of a phallic kitchen counter!
Was somebody being naughty on their replies on here? And if so, they should be impaled on the phallic marble coutnertop, and have their spleens examined.
Sadly it wasn't anything as scintillating as that MikeyPants... Alice had a typo that she corrected and then I had a double post...
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