Ahhh, The Future
I'd just like to let you all know that Chipper and I are getting married at a drive-up Elvis chapel in Vegas. We haven't set a date yet. But, he's going to be decked out in mismatched plaid, a foofy, lacy bright colored shirt, and saddle shoes. We're also considering tie-dying his hair. My outfit has not yet been discussed, but rest assured it will involve velvet and, if I'm sufficiently talented, blinking lights.
And we shall exchange Ringpops. And take lots of tacky pictures.
We haven't yet decided when we're going to get divorced. It depends on if he wants to move to China with me when I graduate. I could work in an uber fancy hotel, and he could teach English or art at an English school and we could both vigorously pursue beautiful Chinese boys (and their nipples).
It's really quite beautiful, we already argue (and I nag him) like we've been married for years. The only problem is I can't threaten to withhold sex if he's naughty. I'll have to meet Trebor and work out some kind of arrangement so that he withholds sex when Chipper is being bad.
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