Friday, May 20, 2005

What Is The Appropriate Reaction?

I just got an email from a friend I knew in Italy. The subject was "Surprise!" The message was blank except for two ultrasound photos of a bambino-in-utero. How do you respond to that? What do you say?

I also noticed a small oddity - the film was dated 26/12/05. Am I smoking crack or is that more than 6 months in the future? For all I know, medical filmy/photo stuff has expiration date or something on it instead of the actual date...

Moving on...

There was a Promise Keeper and his wife in my house earlier. I used the old, "I'm not wearing a bra or pants and I refuse to put them on," excuse to get out of socializing. For some reason it works every time. And it kept them all out of my domain (the basement).

That is all.

My Beaky has left me. My sunshine is gone. I have no reason to get up in the morning. Except on Monday. I'm getting my eyes checked.

Oooh! And she called me from the road today to say that had run over a squirrel. No, no, they didn't hit it. They took it between the tires! Silly squirrel!

That is all, again. This time I mean it. Really.


At May 21, 2005 1:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not exactly sure what a promise keeper is, but I am proud of you for not wearing a bra or pants. All underwear should be banned, and in hot weather, all clothes too.

At May 21, 2005 4:08 PM, Blogger SuperKate said...

MikeyPants - If you click where it says "Promise Keeper" you can find out anything you would like to know about them.

BeakyPants - Instead, I'm going to visit her in Copenhagen in August.

The eye appointment won't fill the void you have so callously ripped in my soul, it will however make it possible for me to see with some clarity, which will be a nice change.

At May 21, 2005 4:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Something tells me they are veryscaryreligious people and I really would rather put out bear traps for them than read about them.

Glad you got home ok Beaky

At May 22, 2005 9:26 AM, Blogger SuperKate said...

MrLegend, you are correct sir. I talked to her yesterday and the baby is indeed due in mid December. Having no experience with ultra-sounds/sonograms I was clueless. I humbly bow to your great knowledge of such obstetrical things. ;0)


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