Holy Flying Monkies!
I passed all of my classes. With a 3.13 average no less. That wasn't supposed to happen. I just don't understand it. I was all prepared to have to take Sanitation over again but she gave me a D. I shouldn't have gotten an A in English, either. The other grades I pretty much earned.
It's amazing how much a person can slack at this school and still get decent grades. I'll have to aim a bit higher though as the Masters program I've been looking at lately requires a 3.5 GPA.
As I ask myself once again why in the bloody boogery hell I would ever want to go back to school after I get this bloody boogery degree.
Anyway, I'm off to do a HappyIPassedAllMyClassesDance...
I've also recently found a company that hires "foreigners for hospitality management training jobs and GRO positions" in China. Methinks I've found my golden ticket...
Congrats SuperKate. I shall now dance naked for you.
Well done! - to SuperKate, that is. Not sure if I'd want to see a SuperMikeyNoPants.
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