I'm Glad I Didn't Pay For That!
I got an offer today for a free tarot reading from Astrology.com. As it was free and I am fond of these kind of things, I decided to look into it. After a brief argument about the necessity of having Flash 7.0 (which I don't have), I convinced the site to email me the reading in text format.
Honestly, I could have gotten a better reading from a goldfish.
First off, because I opted for the free instead of paid reading, it only showed me one card. How can one possibly be expected to get a proper feel for the reading with only one card? Astrology.com says, "Only your full reading can give you the information you need to fully understand, and improve, your situation. Upgrade to your full tarot reading today and discover what the future may hold." Which would cost two dollars. Ummm, no thanks. I'd rather use that $2 for something useful, like Tylenol for the headache I got trying to get the damn half-assed report sent to my email.
Second, it said the card was reversed, which was significant, and then proceeded to give me a detailed description of what it would mean if the card weren't reversed. Having some familiarity with the card, I knew what it meant anyway, but for a beginner or someone who didn't know anything about it that would have been highly unhelpful.
All in all, I was quite disappointed. But I dunno what I really expected. The quality of their horoscopes has been going downhill over the last couple of years as well.
Anyway, for those who are interested* a good site for horoscopes is The Future Minders. For free (and complete) tarot readings I like Lotus Tarot, World of Froud, and Facade.
Lotus tarot is nice because she tailors the card descriptions to the specific readings and the position the card is in rather than a generic description that you have to decipher yourself. She doesn't, however, allow reversals.
The World of Froud isn't properly tarot. It's oracle, so the names and symbols are quite different from regular tarot (as well as there being a different number of cards) but it covers the same scope of things.
Facade is just fun (and I have a permanent link to them on the sidebar). It allows reversals, lets you choose your deck, has a large selection of readings, and there are also several other diversions on the site as well ranging from I Ching to a coin flip.
*They're fun diversions when you have nothing better to do than waste lots of time, and if you get your horoscope emailed to you it means that every morning you'll have at least one email (for some reason this makes me feel loved and happy)
I'd be interested to know why you're interested in astrology. I personally don't believe in it. But I'm always facinated to find out why other people do trust in it and pursue finding direction through it.
Actually, most people who try astrology don't actually believe in it. Its just a fun way to pass the time. It's like fortune cookies. They don't mean anything, but they're a fun part of the whole bad take-out chinese experiance. Those who do take astrology seriously are like people who let the Bible guide their lives: whatever they want it to say, they can make it say. (it being tarot cards, I-ching coins, or the bible)
Woohoo, I've just insulted every religion on earth. I'm da man!!!
I don't actually put any faith at all into things like horoscopes. They're just fun to read, and when I'm bored they amuse me. The satirical ones are best like, "Beware of trousers and a freak napalming incident on Tuesday."
However, I have had some natal chart readings done that have blown my mind with their accuracy. Rather than being a predictor for your life, it sort of gives you a map of your strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps it's just part of my adventure in narcissism, but I'm trying to figure out who I am and have been using as many resources as I can find.
I don't think I would ever say that the positions of stars or planets could cause a person to be one way or another, but in my experience there does seem to be a high correllation between planetary alignment and certain personality traits.
What about people who don't have a personality?
You left out several I can think of just off the top of my head, MikeyPants. But anyway, some people are searching for more meaning or answers than can be found eating cheese alone in their apartment in their underwear.
It's apparent by your comments that you are repeating rhetoric that we've all heard everywhere without having much (if any) actual experience with the things you mentioned. It's true that it is all a matter of interpretation, and that interpretation can tell you what you want to hear. But if you're a good interpreter or you're working with a good interpreter, it can inspire you to think about your situation/problem in a new and different way. Just as the Bible, the Koran, and other religious texts can help a person figure out the best way to live their lives.
That isn't to say that all of these things can't be misused and perverted. History shows that they can. But they shouldn't be discounted just because some people are jackasses.
I don't get along with athiests any better than I get along with people who evangelize in my general direction...
Dude! Stop you keep commenting while I'm commenting. It's horribly unfair.
While I don't believe in astrology, I do believe in the bible. I'm a very committed Christian, and I don't agree with your comment on the bible. It's not open to interpretation if you know how to read it. It's the same with any text really. Any text without a context is a pretext.
With the bible it's important to ask what it meant to the original readers. I ask the question "What did it mean to them then?". Then I can take the underlying principal and apply it to my life now. There are people who look at the bible and read what they want to read, but I think that's rather pointless. If I want to make things up to make myself feel better I can do just that, I don't need a book to do it for me. But if I want real answers and guidence, then I look to the bible for it and I take what God tells me from it, and it's not necessarily always what I want to hear.
While I am not an athiest (not really sure what I am) I am also not just parrotting rhetoric.
First, Lud: What you just said IS interpreting. You are taking stories about an ancient civilization and applying it to your life. That is interpreting. I didn't say it was always a bad thing. Just that some people do it way too much.
And Kate, I'm sorry that that is all you think I do. I've been on something of a spiritual quest for many years and have come up with some answers, and many more questions. The answers I have are that, while all religions have a small piece of the truth, none want to acknowledge any other as having some idea what they are doing.
Well, I've tried to reply to this about 4 times today, but the power kept getting shut off. For some reason the guys installing the counters didn't want to be electrocuted. The nerve! That's what they're paid for.
Anyway, MikeyPants, I know that's not all you do. I was just in an obnoxious mood and you managed to strike a nerve. (I never claimed to be balanced and rational. Or nice for that matter.)
I do tend to agree with you that Ludicrousity did inadvertantly define interpretation in her discourse about not interpreting.
Moving on...
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