I Could Really Use A Good Nipple Tweaking
Unfortunately the closest I've come to such a thing in recent history is IceBluer's* repeated offer to deprive me of my nipples with scissors.
Sadly, Random Korean has disappeared. I think he dropped out of school and went back to Korea. Or maybe he's back in the hospital with gout. In any event his phone goes straight to voicemail so we shall never know. Unless he calls back.
Chipper was thinking about setting me up with someone, but then found out the dude has a preoccupation with other peoples' cocks. And then the other other guy he was thinking about setting me up with is moving to Trinidad** in a couple weeks.
Although I'm never sure about the people Chipper tries to set me up with***, so perhaps it is for the best. I mean, who can forget Short-Boy-Who-Is-Obsessed-With-Mommy-And-Ballroom-Dancing? And what about the One-Nut-Wonder?
Not that I do any better for myself. I can't remember the last time I was out with anyone who didn't have some kind of disease, a/many serious addiction(s), a major personality disorder or two, a couple of prison sentences, and/or a committed relationship with someone else****.
So, for the present, my nipples will remain sadly untweaked. And I shall have to cry in the corner.
At least until next week when I can expect a bit of scandal from Travelin' Man. Who, as far as I can tell, only falls into the committed relationship with someone else category. I'll consider it progress.
*Whose name has recently been changed to "Bunny" because this is what the Preppy Handbook tells us people with his name should be called
**The one associated with Tobago, not as opposed to the more local world capital of sex-change operations
***Okay, so I never actually met either of those individuals, common sense prevailed and I did preemptive bit of run-away-screaming
****Usually an exciting combination of several of those factors
I keep offering. Nipple tweaking for many many hours at a time, followed by food.
Yeah, and every time I offer to take you up on the offer you run away screaming (and/or hide in the corner). Hmph!
Some people!
BTW I saw your photo on OKCupid and I think you're darling.
Please come boink me. I promise not to run away until you are in the shower afterwards.
Yeah sure. That's what you say now. But as soon as I get to Nebraska it'll be the whole finding-MikeyPants-cowering-in-the-closet-dialing-911-to-get-the-blonde-to-go-away thing.
Then I'll have to go to jail. And I don't want to go to jail.
So I think you'll just have to come to Colorado.
And not just on your way to a mysterious hunting trip.
perhaps we should meet halfway, cuz Denver frightens small amounts of pee out of me. And that would make a mess on your carpet.
Besides, when did you ever enter Nebraska with the purpose of exposing my happy bits to your happy bits.
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