Don't Drink The Water
I had some other ideas for titles for this post:
Waiter, Why Is There Pubic Hair In My Tea?
Tea Bagging For Sophisticates
Anyway, this year I bought myself a spa kit for Christmas. Today I partook of the "bath tea". Otherwise known as a little sachet filled with enough lavender, hibiscus, rose petals, and chamomille to turn a bathtub full of water the same color as a kiddie pool filled with undiapered-unpottytrained-preschoolers-who-have-just-gorged-themselves-on-KoolAid. Granted it smelled a whole lot better than that, but still it was a bit strange to be submerged in a warm pool of yellow water.
I always heard that "tea bagging" was when a nice lady, such as yourself, would suck on her gentleman caller's nuts while holding (nicely) on his pointy man-bits.
Also, since when do you have pubic hair to lose in your tea?
That's why it's teabagging for sophisticates. You get the nice relaxing tea soaking experience after partaking of a nuttier treat.
As to your second comment, all I have to say is "tee hee"
Ok, one of these days i'm going to have to just come hunt you down and strip you so I can inspect you, then fondle your happy bits so you don't beat me up.
I think that might earn you an enemy in Kyrgyzstan, but he doesn't have to know, I suppose...
I probably have lots of enemies in Kyrgyzstan, but as you are not married to him (or are you?), your naughty bits are up for grabs by whomever you choose to fondle them.
Happy New Year, giggling drunk girl.
Love ya.
Help me!! A bunch of conservatives have infiltrated my blog! How can I remove them in a polite manner?
Conservatives?!?!? Who? What? Where? When? Do you want me to beat them for you?
please protect me. They think that radio idiot you have in Denver, I think, and I can't remember his name, is smart!!
Hennesy or something like that
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