I'll Be Back
I'm leaving for my grand adventure tomorrow evening. As per former executive decision, the Adventure In Narcissism is but a mere shadow of it's previous self. Rest assured, it will be bussiness as usual when I return on the evening of August 31st. And there will be pictures, too. Otherwise certain people have threatened to murder me visciously in my sleep.
So, tah tah for now, and have a lovely August.
Hope you have a great trip.
ooh, thanks for linking to me, just now saw that.
TTFN! Have a lovely time.
Echoed. Don't get yourself mistaken for a terrorist this time
If you can't bring me a yak, can you bring me a yurt? or a yogurt? anything that starts with Y will do.
Oh, and I'll miss you. Have fun and watch out for three nippled asian boys.
I miss you, and i feel aweful I missed your calls!
I think we can safely say you were the driving force behind alot of bloggers. I doubt Beaky will post again until you are back, and both Chipper and I have slacked off quite a bit. So finish up your wandering and get back here to entertain us.
Simply put, you are missed.
One more week until you are back. I hope all your toes and nipples and things are coming back with you.
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