Now That's Something You Don't Come Across Everyday
I just spent a magnificent evening in the company of very lovely people. Through Boy's connections I met a Muslim Afghani lesbian (we shall call her Mondo). She is entirely fantastic and we ended up drinking coffee and wandering around Providence for hours (sadly, Boy wasn't there as he had work to do, but fortunately when he left our company he took Doofus* with him).
After a misguided attempt to go to India Point Park (it was crowded as there was a Cape Verde festival occupying the area), we started an aimless walk. We stopped at a coffee shop where one of the waitresses owed Mondo money, so we got our drinks for free. Then we met a girl from Brown and the three of us sat around chattering about Central Asian politics, culture, and poetry. The barrista was Italian in the coffee shop so I got to refresh my Italian as well. It was so lovely!
Then we wandered some more and ended up at Starbucks where another of Mondo's friends works. The friend wasn't working, but due to synchronicity, she was wandering drunkenly down the street outside as we were leaving. So we got to hear about her drunken debauchery. It was more than amusing, especially when she started singing, "I'm making a spectacle, I'm making a spectacle, don't watch me."
Anyway, yeah, that was my evening. Oooh! And Mondo is going to give me her brother's information in London so when I go there I'll have a personal tour guide. Woohooo!
*Doofus is a very creepy boy who probably wet his bed as a child, furthermore he has no social skills and is a bit lacking in the tact department so he ended up asking the relationship questions Boy and I had been avoiding**
**Boy is dating his computer (he's a programmer) but this doesn't preclude the occasional bit of fun, which suits me perfectly
So go enjoy his nipples, Tell Mondo I said hi, have a latte on me (even though I cannot give you money for one), speak italian at passersby, shoot doofus, get drunk, dabauch, and tell us all about it.
This is you assignment.
I was in london. Its ok as long as you don't go on a tour. The guides are mostly rude.
You can always go to London next year. It is a perfectly lovely city, except when one is being bitten by a horse. And the guides aren't all rude. Some are quite charming and silly.
I love lesbian afghani's.
Brwon students are weird, take it from me my brother is going to grad school there next year and my old boyfriend left villanova and is headong to Brown to finsih his undergrad degree.
I love London. I almost applied to Oxoford. Well not almost but the idea did pass fleetingly through my brain cells.
programmer's could be fun. I guess depending on what they program.
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