Now That Is Satisfaction
No, I didn't get laid.
I just smoked 3 Marlboro Red 100's.
I am happy. For the first time since sometime in May.
I've also come to the conclusion that social activity around here is closely linked to smoking. I've talked to more people this evening while smoking than I have in the entire time I've been here*.
This is probably because I am mostly agoraphobic and generally don't like people. But as there is a no smoking inside rule, I had to overcome my distaste for all things social and smoke outside with all of the other miscreants.
So, I met Rachel, and chattered with Alex and got a perfectly respectable light** (or three) from Mike from my accounting class.
Now, all I need is to get completely drunk and laid and life will be perfect.
*Slight exagerration
**A lady never leans
I still have the odd cigarette from time to time - actually I tend to smoke heaps if I'm at a party or something. As much as I know they are bad for me and I don't need them, I still really enjoy a cigarette from time to time.
It's a curse.
I'll be happy to lay you, and you can have a cigarette afterwards and get drunk first if you like.
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