Something That Amused Me
But will probably bore all of you.
Darling Robert and his friend Katie have started a blog together. There was a post in Latin and then one in English. This was further commented on in German, so I threw in a line in Italian (I'm a geek like that).
"Per imaparare una lingua, si deve toccare con la lingua."
BabbleFish will tell you that this means: "In order to learn a language, it must be touched with the language."
I will tell you this means: "To learn a language, you have to touch it with your tongue*."
Anyway, to respond, Chipper went to the lovely Babblefish and apparently typed in: "Superkate, how many languages you know? I wish that I was fluent.Perhaps a language could touch my naughty bits," and then hit translate.
Again, something was lost in the translation.
What he posted was, "Superkate, quante lingue conoscete? Desidero che ero fluente. Forse una lingua ha potuto toccare le mie punte naughty."
Which I read as, "Superkate, how many tongues do y'all know? I wish I was fluent. Maybe a tongue could have touched my naughty points."
I love Italian.
*A bit of wisdom I learned from Rita's friend as I was preparing to go to Yemen to study Arabic
One: Chipper needs a tongue.
Two: Yay, SuperKate's Back!!
Three: Languages are fun.
Four: I only enjoyed taking german when the girl who wouldn't wear a bra, but always wore thin white shirts would sit next to me. Such nice freshman boobies.
why do I need a tongue?
everybody needs a tongue.
tongues are awesome
They are indeed quite a lot of fun.
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