I Feel Myself Going Fetal*
The comments on Chipper's blog lately have been getting to me. Robert posted a link to a picture of a seriously modified individual, and MikeyPants keeps going on about removing my nipples in retribution for the WubblyWittleBabyMikeyPantsyFace thing.
I have to say that I have a horrible, horrible fear of amputation and sharp things in general. Not that they are things that most ordinary people look forward to, but for me it goes a bit beyond normal. If I see something sharp I can imagine what it feels like and I want to run away screaming.
Beaky is fond of saying that she must have starved to death in a past life because in this one she is paranoid to go anywhere without some sort of snacky things or other foody bits. Following this logic, I must have been hacked into tiny pieces in a previous life**.
(It should be noted that if you are the least bit squeamish, it would be best not to click on any of the following links)
Anyway, all of this has brought to mind an article (from the BodyModification eZine) I read several months ago that to this day makes me shudder and cringe. I mean really, biting each others' fingers off joint by joint as a sign of love? I can think of better ways of expressing such an emotion.
Looking at all of that, of course, led me to other sites that horrified me because I have a morbid fascination with the things that frighten me.
*Curling up in a ball, sucking my thumb, rocking
**I also have an extreme fear of fire, so perhaps I was hacked to bits and then burned***
***I must have been a witch****
****Perhaps this explains my fear of Christians as well
Poor SuperKate, fear not, sharp objects. I am sure I could tell Mike about a more humane way to remove your nipples.
If he gives me one.
I won't remove your nipples. But I think I should get to see them for the name that you gave chipper's turtle thingie.
Robert, just what do you intend to do with one detached nipple? Should I be disturbed?
Nevermind. I'm already disturbed. I'm just curious as well.
eww I don't even want to know what someone would do with a detached nipple........ oh I think the Jeffry Dahmer story has been on HOB lately .................
I would then have a relic of SuperKate.
It would be subsequently sold for a large cash sum on EBAY, much like Michael Jackson toast was sold for $36 (Source: Jay Leno)
$36 is not nearly enough money for me to even consider nipple-removal. $1000, no way. $10,000, nuh uh. $100,000, only if I were seriously drunk. $1,000,000, I'd consider it half drunkely. $10,000,000, you're getting warmer. But really, to even have a mildy serious consideration I'd need at least $120,000,000 (US Dollars that is, although I would also accept British Pounds) and an 8-bedroom villa in Tuscany. With a garden (and gardener, of course).
You're an expensive one!
I certainly hope I never gave you the impression that I am cheap. Because I'm not.
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