Friday, September 02, 2005

Stalling... Who Me?

Okay, so I've got the photos developed (if not in the computer yet). The stories are being neatly edited in my brain. My problem is that I don't feel like the story is quite over yet. I'm waiting for a bit of information. And then I'll be able to put it all together in a mostly satisfying package.

Anyway, for your previewing pleasure in the coming days expect to hear of the proper Danish pronunciation of the letter "D" in chocolate. You will learn fun new ways to say "Clearance Sale". You will hear an extended rant on the poor crisis management of British Airways. You will learn about the joys of going on a 9 day horse trek in Central Asia while all of your luggage is still in London. You will come to understand that cheap vodka doesn't mean bad vodka. And last but not least, you will learn that Russian cowboys fart loudly in their sleep.

Many other things too, of course, but that is a brief introduction to my adventurings...


At September 02, 2005 11:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

why were you making the cowboys fart in their sleep?

At September 02, 2005 12:18 PM, Blogger SuperKate said...

A cowboy, actually. And I didn't make him fart. It was an entirely voluntary thing as far as I could tell. Mostly I was just happy that by the time the farts started erupting I had already been knocked off the bed enough times that I had moved to the other bed across the room. So much for the afterglow... ;0)

At September 02, 2005 5:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Did you hump a cowboy's leg?

At September 03, 2005 2:12 AM, Blogger SuperKate said...

Third leg? Yubetcherass! Woohooo! Kate got laid!

At September 04, 2005 12:35 PM, Blogger Presley Bennett said...

I thought this was an educational trip.

At September 05, 2005 2:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nobody's posting and I'm bored.

At September 06, 2005 4:16 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Hi SuperKate... nice to see you back safe and sound! Hope you're well.


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