Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Happy Kate Dance

So, I checked my email this afternoon after getting back from coffee with the lady from my Italian meetup (more on that in a second) and discovered that Ed came through! He was my last resort, but he did indeed have my KateBait's email address. I've been Happy Kate Dancing ever since. It's very cute. And if my dogs were here they would be looking at me strangely*.

Anyway, so I had a very lovely conversation with Italian Meetup Lady. We talked for about 2 1/2 hours. I never knew a medium chai could last so long. We were sitting outside before it got too windy and she saw two of her friends, one of whom had Fraggle hair. I think her name was Jan. Her partner had very spiky red hair, much like my mother's former hairstyling disaster**.

Anyway, it was very amusing to me a little later on because I mentioned one of my ex's who is very much a boy (and has a very boy name). It was entirely funny how quickly she suddenly remembered an errand she had to run and excused herself.

So, I didn't have to put out, but I did have to pay for my own chai.

After that my darling Chipper called me and we went to a middle school art show (he's getting his master's in education and wants to be an elementary school art teacher, so we were there networking). I dunno if I just have low expectations for pre-pubescent creatures, but I was amazed by the quality of some of the work. One girl had made an exquisite silver bracelet (which of course also made me insanely jealous - we weren't allowed to play with metal and solder when I was in middle school).

Now I'm off to compose an alluring yet respectable email to Travelin' Man.

Buona serata!

*My dogs are greatly amused by Happy Kate Dances, Kinzey will even join in sometimes

**Some people can wear such a style well, my mother cannot, but it was fun to call her Spike while it lasted


At April 23, 2005 12:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Damn. Now I need to see this Happy Kate Dance


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