Friday, March 18, 2005


I bummed two menthols from Tall-Blond-Guy-With-Legal-Troubles from my English and Sanitation classes (I'm not good with names, but I remember people's life stories better than I should). And we bitched about the asinineness of the classes we share.

As I was driving home, Z called me and it was lovely although full of those nearly uncomfortable, "I have no idea what you just said but I'm not asking you to repeat it for the 6th time," moments. He always thinks it's so hilarious that I know it's him when I answer the phone (caller ID is fun like that), and he thinks I'm silly for always asking him to send me fahsah (a thick meaty stew that is delightful). Apparently I'm invited to his brother's wedding this summer, so I might have to add Yemen to my summer travel list.

I went to KFC and somehow ended up with 4 wings instead of the boob and drumstick I had asked for. Oh well.

Then, on my answering machine was a confused message from the registration lady for the travel writing course I was trying to enroll in. The confusion has been unconfused (phrases like that are why I need writing classes), so everything is happy.

Ooh, and in my efforts to canvas* a guy I met last week, I've attracted the attention of this lesbian lady who speaks Italian with a very bad American accent. She didn't even have the information I was looking for (namely Travelin' Man's email address - incidentally he also speaks Italian with a very bad American accent, but he is still extreme Kate-Bait). Oh well, we're meeting up to speak Italian and talk about travel. Perhaps I'll get a free coffee out of the deal...

Yeah. That's my day. Next time I promise something more interesting.

*Canvasing is a clever euphamism for stalking


At April 18, 2005 7:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

(sniff sniff) does this mean you have moved on from me? :(

At April 18, 2005 11:02 PM, Blogger SuperKate said...

Dude, he's KateBait, I can't be expected to control myself... Besides, KateBait is necessarily short-lived as I have a thing for boys with severe commitment issues/alcoholism issues/PeterPan complexes/wives/fiancees/etc. And professional poker players.

At April 19, 2005 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. He was indeed a twitchy professional poker player. With an unfortunate name.

And as of yet I haven't met any boys who meet your qualifications. The closest I've met has a girlfriend.

At April 20, 2005 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KateBait; now is that fishing with a worm or a fly? ;)

At April 21, 2005 1:05 PM, Blogger SuperKate said...

Hmmmm, perhaps a worm behind a fly? Although really, I hope he's better hung than that... ;0P


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