Monday, September 26, 2005

Chicken, Rooster, And A Cock

I so do not understand Blogger. Or maybe it's just computers in general. For the last 30 minutes it's been telling me I couldn't post for various reasons seemingly related to cookies (and not the chewy chocolately kind, the bastards). For some odd reason (probably because I have a sixth sense about Blogger) I kept trying anyway. And now, here I am. Back in all my glory. Or not.


I didn't disappear or die or get kidnapped or anything. I've just been busy. Or, more accurately, that odd combination of busy and lazy that allows you to have time and things to do but not actually get anything done.

Okay, so that's not entirely true either. I joined a gym. And discovered that Morning Star Farms "breakfast links" actually taste good and nearly have the texture of real meat. The gym thing is fun though, and for some odd reason I'm finding the muscle soreness motivating to go back. I never realized I was such a masochist! Heh...

I also got a 98% on my Environmental Science test which makes me happy. I have the malingering suspicion that the prof wanted me to try to argue with him about the 2 percentage points I was missing. Little did he know that I do not strive for perfection.

And I found out that one of my least favorite people on the planet (or at least at my university) is going on my trip to Russia. Sadly for him, his named is Peter, which makes it entirely too easy to call him a prick.

I got an email from one of the ladies from my Kyrgyz adventure yesterday. I never knew how to spell her name before, and I think there is a good reason for that. I would have written "Chikke, " but no, the silly Dutch people have to go and spell such names "Tsjjikke."

It was sort of funny the first time I was introduced to her... I thought they said her name was "Chicken" and then I was introduced to Rustam and I thought they said "Rooster." I wondered how I had ever gotten set up with a such a group of poultry-fixated people. Incidentally, the two of them have serious issues with each other that could potentially lead to extensive therapy. I think they should have just made out and gotten it over with, but no one asked me.

Okay, so I made that last bit up. There was no chemistry whatsoever between them, it was just fun to say.


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