Sunday, June 12, 2005

Good Morning

To follow Essy's example, I think it is time to define what I mean when I say "Good morning." It's a phrase I use quite often in my real life, not so often on here, although it does occasionally appear.

Anyway, I will say "good morning" any time of day, regardless of the actual state of morningness. First off this is because I find "good morning" to be much more fun to say than any other greeting. It just rolls more pleasingly off the tongue. Second, it is a code. Yes, it is a foray into the land of Katespeak.

You see, the typical response to an anachronistic, "Good morning," is, "It's not morning here." To which I will reply, "It is always morning somewhere." "It is always morning somewhere," has much deeper meaning than one would expect. It means "It is always 5 o'clock somewhere." Which then, of course, means, "Who wants vodka?"

So you see, what appears to be a simple, eccentric greeting is actually an invitation to alcoholic celebration.


At June 12, 2005 4:41 PM, Blogger Presley Bennett said...

and if you said it to me I would probably assume, if it were past noon, that you were asking me a question, as in (did you have a) good morning?

or, if it were on the weekend and you knew I hate to get up until 1 or 2 in the afternoon, that it was meant in a teasing manner as in, good you finally got your lazy butt out of bed.

At June 12, 2005 9:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I want Irish Whisky, Can I have that?

At June 12, 2005 9:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

So that's why you're always saying Good Morning to me... even in the middle of conversations...

At June 13, 2005 1:38 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Thank you for restoring my buttons. Sorry I dond't call you back. After my dad and had a lengthy talk about my mom, Airen called, and then I was tired I had to take a nap. Hape all is well. Best of luck on the second week of classes!

At June 13, 2005 5:33 PM, Blogger junebee said...

My husband asked me JUST the other day why people say good morning all the time. He passed through the toll booth well after 6 PM and the toll collector wished him and the cabbie a good morning. My husband said it must have been because both the toll collector and the cabbie were working so it was morning for them. I will tell him it is actually a invitation to alcoholic celebration.


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