Saturday, April 09, 2005

Another Reason I Don't Like Ann Coulter

For reasons largely relating to boredom, I was meandering around the internet and came across Ann Coulter's homepage. After I convinced myself that throwing things at the computer wouldn't make her stop being herself, I looked at her "My Life Photo Tour" page. I guess I had never properly looked at the wench's face before.

To my shock and horror I realized she looks remarkably similar to a horrible, evil creature named Alison who was in the group I went to India, Nepal, and Thailand with. My first real impression of her was made in the van as we drove to our hotel. She started pointing wildly out the window and exclaimed in squeaky ecstasy, "Oh my God! That's the bar I read about in Cosmo!!!"

Anyway, the biggest physical difference between Alison and Ann is the hair color (I have no idea about any other differences as I did my best to avoid any sort of communication with CosmoGirl). Alison was dirty blonde at best, and even that description is a stretch. She was insanely jealous of the attention that the rest of us blondes were getting*. At the Taj Mahal she even went so far as to go up to a group of men and ask if they wanted to take their pictures with her.

She was better than my roommate though. Everyone wanted to kill her by the end of the trip. I nearly ran over her head with a luggage cart at the Bangkok airport. The rest of the group was mad at me for not doing so.

*If you're white (most especially white, blonde, and female), in certain areas of the world, you'll more or less be constantly surrounded by people wanting to take their picture with you. Apparently it's a status symbol to have pictures with white people.


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