Sunday, April 10, 2005

Welcome To Colorado

Woke up this morning to a blizzard. This is bad on so many levels.

First, I haven't been to the grocery store for about 3 months (I live on take-out), so my nutritional intake (until they open the roads again) will consist of two tomato-basil bagels and half of a Butterfinger. If I get really really desperate there are some tins of sardines that my parents stockpiled right after 9/11. I think I would rather die first though.

Second, I was supposed to do some research at the library for a paper that is due tomorrow. One can only hope that classes will be cancelled. That would make me entirely happy. Although that is generally true regardless of whether papers are due or not.

Third, I'll now have to put on 17 layers to go get the mail (I forgot yesterday) to check if they've sent my Russian trip application. It's not really a problem, but I'm lazy so I feel like whining about it.

There are other reasons why this is bad, but I've distracted myself by thinking about the Butterfinger and I can't remember.

At least the electricity is still on. I heard that about 11,000 people were without lights this morning...

Anyway, it's supposed to be balmy and warm by Tuesday.

If you don't like the weather in Colorado, wait an hour.

When I live other places I get really paranoid by how consistent the weather is. I'm always looking over my shoulder for the odd out-of-season snowstorm or random tornado whenever things have been the same for too long (like more than 12 hours). I think it means I have WIPTSD (Weather Induced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), but that is an issue for people smarter than I to figure out.


At April 10, 2005 8:42 PM, Blogger SuperKate said...

Yeah, I saw that stuff and downloaded it. What are they saying on campus about class tomorrow?

At April 11, 2005 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blizzard? The last one I was in was in 96. I kinda miss em. Oh, I got drunk and lost my wallet :(

At April 11, 2005 10:36 PM, Blogger SuperKate said...

NickyPoodle: Did you get drunk and lose your wallet in the blizzard, or is that a more recent event?

You need to leave more comments, dude. Without comments I just sit at home and mope.

At April 12, 2005 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From here, that is a physical impossibility :) I got drunk and... you know. The next thing I know, Im sitting at home, and I can't find my wallet! AHHHHH!

Im screwed. I have to cancel and renew everything, from my license to my ssn. SUCK!

At April 12, 2005 8:21 AM, Blogger SuperKate said...

Dude! I'm sorry! Having done it several times myself, I know how much it sucks. Be sure to call the credit agencies and have them put a fraud alert on your credit report thingy. It doesn't last very long, but it's better than nothing and keeps the jackasses from being able to steal you identity.

At April 13, 2005 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luckly for me, the bar nextdoor to where I work found it. Im so happy. I think this made my week. But I did cut myself right after I found it, so I guess I should make that scar a reminder or something.


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