Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Things I Do Not Understand

1. Why my house insists on being the wrong the temperature. When it is snowing outside, my thermostat decides to sets itself to be 60 degrees (F), and when it is sunny and hot outside it resets itself to be 80 degrees (F). I suspect my father had something to do with this confusion, but he denies it.

2. Why punk bands have to remake songs that I grew up loving but now hate because the new obnoxious version is stuck in my head (case in point "Under Pressure" originally of the Queen variety but now insanely horrible).

3. Why my economics professors insists on making us read the text book by assigning pages and pages of review and summary questions* which doesn't actually lead to any of us learning anything because it just confuses the dunces among us even more.

4. Why my university enforces its Draconian attendance policy. Don't they understand that morale would improve by at least 692% if we were allowed to miss more than 2 classes per trimester?

There are still other things that I do not understand, but unfortunately I now have to go to class. Because I can't miss any more without getting dropped.

*I suppose I should add that I don't actually do the assignments, or read the book but I do have to sit there blankly staring for the hour and half we spend going over the answers every class period

Monday, October 03, 2005

Monday, Again

Why is it that Mondays keep happening? It's definitely the worst day of the week and it needs to be shot or otherwise put out of its misery.

Today, at 8am I got to get on a bus and drive to the South Platte River* in Commerce City**. This was particularly pleasant as apparently last week at some place upstream there was a raw-sewage leak. There was a warning put out for people to stay away from the river, but silly things like raw sewage warnings don't deter my crazy Kiwi professor.

People were offering bribes to get other students to go swimming. I was offered a $5000-credit-limit Visa card. But knowing who it belonged to, I figured it was probably maxed out so I declined. I would have pushed someone in for free though. Sadly, I never got the chance.

I also got to hold a small container of water that also contained a leech***. Leeches are a grand reason why I do not believe in Intelligent Design. I could never beleive in, much less worship, a deity who, with forethought and purpose, created the leech. There is something fundamentally wrong with the whole notion.

As the day progresses, I have the sinking feeling that it will all go downhill. And, as leeches have already been involved, that is saying something. I have Career Management in an hour or so, and it will be torturous.

Then I have to go to the gym. It's a Tim day. I have the idea that while it will be more pleasant than leeches, it will not be nearly as nice as an ice cream sandwich or a naked Russian cowboy****.

Then, just to make sure the day is perfect, I have 2 group projects due tomorrow and we haven't really done any work on them. So the groups shall be projecting all night.

Anyway, that's all I've got for the moment. Have a wonderful day. I hope you do not find any leeches attached to any of your body parts.

*A very nastily polluted (even without the sewage) trickle of water that runs through Denver

**The nastiest industrial part of Denver

***As an aside, I once heard of a guy who went swimming and got a leech in his urethra, as it fed, you can imagine what happened...

****Hmmmm, naked Russian cowboy AND icecream sandwich? Methink I know what I'll be doing next summer


Okay, so housekeeping isn't an appropriate term, but I'd just like to let you all know that I've added the word verification thingy to comments because the comment spammers were pissing me off.

Also, my head hurts.

That is all.