Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Greetings from Bishkek

I'm posting earlier than I said I would, I know, but whatever. I'm back in civilization. The horses were lovely. Denmark was great. Heathrow is one of my least favorite places on the planet (yes, I was one of the 17,000 people stranded there 2 weeks ago, but I got interviewed by the BBC, so that nearly makes it all worthwhile). Anyway, I promise stories, pictures, and all kinds of loveliness in the coming days. Er. In a week or so when I get back to Denver.

I hope you're all having a lovely day. :0)

Oooh! I just realize I'm exactly on the other side of the world. It is not actually 11:40 PM where I am, it is 11:40AM on August 25th. Heh, time zones are fun...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'll Be Back

I'm leaving for my grand adventure tomorrow evening. As per former executive decision, the Adventure In Narcissism is but a mere shadow of it's previous self. Rest assured, it will be bussiness as usual when I return on the evening of August 31st. And there will be pictures, too. Otherwise certain people have threatened to murder me visciously in my sleep.

So, tah tah for now, and have a lovely August.