My Newest Roommate
Me and DoubleDee got a new roommate on Sunday. The best words I can find to describe the interloper are loud, obnoxious, time consuming, pretentious, and draining on the electricity.
Yep, Heston* bought DoubleDee a TV**.
Apparently, DoubleDee was going insane without a boob-tube to divert her. I guess I'm just not amusing enough.
Anyway, I can usually huddle myself in a corner with my headphones on and block out most of the inanity. This doesn't work, however, when she sees something particularly shocking, newsworthy, or just plain odd, as she starts shrieking.
Last night I was made to watch the BET Awards show thingy. Keep in mind that I passionately hate awards shows of any kind. The only reason I agreed to put myself through such torture was that I was promised some very bizarre outfit viewing.
The first act was the Fugees. DoubleDee shrieked so loudly and jumped so high that I thought she was having a seizure. When the shrieking continued, I had to remind her that we didn't want the police to have to come back again (long story, and one of the joys of living in a dorm).
So, anyway, the Fugees. I got their entire history as well as an impassioned speech about how happy she was that they were back together.
The next round of shrieking came with the sumo-wrestling turkeys. I have to admit they were kinda cute. But not enough to shriek over. Twice.
Anyway, the rest of the show passed mostly uneventfully. I have to say that I thought Mary J Blige and Alicia Keys have terrible taste in pants. And Lauren Hill's bow-tie was obscenely large. Oh, and Ciara's choreography left quite a lot to be desired.
Today, I was tormented into my headphoned-corner by daytime TV. I did learn that roughly nothing has changed on One Life to Live since I watched it in the early 90's.
Good to know, I guess.
*They officially broke up last weekend***
**At a fleamarket for $15 because it cuts off the top of the picture
***But for DoubleDee it still "doesn't really feel like it's over"****
****This could be because they still talk, hang out all the time, and have sex